
Animal Farm Allegory Russian Revolution



Mr. Jones – a parallel for Arbiter Nicholas Ii, the terminal Russian ruler

Old Major – the old sus scrofa, an allegory for Marx/Lenin

Snowball – Napoleon's partner at first, an allegory for Leon Trotsky, had a good way of realizing socialism

Napoleon – the dictator sus scrofa, an allegory for Stalin, valued power for his own sake

Squealer – the propagandist; represents power of linguistic communication in political manipulation

Mollie – the vane white mare, she's apolitical, simply cares about herself

Benjamin – the ass, cynical, realizes what is really happening on the farm, but doesn't take action

Moses – the raven, acts similar a prophet/priest

Boxer – the working form hero, sacrifices his life for the benefit of community


Animal Subcontract is a political allegory on Russian Revolution, merely information technology tin also be practical to every revolution. This piece of work attacks generally the quest for power. It observes the psychological foundation of revolution, its processes, and the irony of displacement of an oppressive regime past the new revolutionary order.

If we find the farm every bit Russia, then Mr. Jones represents Czar Nicholas 2, the last Russian ruler. Old Major (Marx/Lenin) gave his noble idea of equality of all animals and actuated the animals to unite and insubordinate against a common enemy, then they did.

His philosophy is called Lust, information technology represents the ideas of socialism/communism, only this ideology got perverted and misused by Napoleon (Stalin) – an individual greedy for power, without regard for fellow animals. He exiled his partner Snowball (Leon Trotsky) who had a skillful way of realizing socialism (he builds, educates…).

Napoleon gained absolute power step by step. He got control over food and suffocated every thought or debate. The working-class animals got gradually brainwashed with Squealer'southward propaganda, which could turn black into white. The history is being rewritten, so the next generations would believe a lie, due to Pig'south persuasion, the animals' memories become less and less reliable.

Napoleon likewise uses sheep, who are at that place to outvote every dissimilar opinion, Moses, and Minimus (the official poet) to additionally brainwash the animals. Finally, tyranny becomes extreme when Napoleon starts to evoke fear with the dogs (KGB), who kill everybody who tries to disagree. Via their intelligence, pigs proceeds power and exploit the less intelligent animals. But Orwell doesn't only criticize the authority, but likewise the types of citizens who permit such tyrants to do so.


A language is a powerful tool that can be used to manipulate and control people in social club to bring about change. Napoleon and Squealer maximally abuse the power of language to manipulate the animals. The initial, noble ideology of Quondam Major is being twisted and distorted.

The word ''equal'' is abused the most because the pigs preach equality all the fourth dimension, and practise the opposite, and finally, there is the paradox ''All animals are equal, merely some animals are more than equal than the others.'', which emphasizes the corruption of the authority. Songs, poems, and slogans serve as propaganda and idealize the leader/dictator.

They are some other form of social control and enforce loyalty. Accusing Snowball of everything bad that happens on the farm, pigs focus the animals on a supposed mutual enemy and away from their manipulation.

There are also the yes-men; the sheep whose part is to outvote everybody with a dissimilar opinion. Memories of animals are as well being influenced, due east.thou. pigs gradually change the Vii Commandments and through persuasion, Squealer makes it difficult for animals to rely on their own memory, and the adjacent generation will believe the prevarication completely. Totalitarianism is achieved by telling people exactly what to think.

Animal Farm Allegory Russian Revolution,


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